LaboTex News - 2012                                                                               

You can check your LaboTex release in dialog ''ABOUT'' (menu Help).

News in LaboTex Version 3.0.29 (from Version 3.0.21):

  • The changes and corrections in dialog "Calculation of Anisotropy Factors" (hexagonal,tetragonal, orthorhombic crystal symmetry). The details and examples are in manual "Hexagonal Axes: Conventions & Conversions" pp. 24-35;
  • LaboTex can create set of single orientations on the base of current ODF in the format directly compatible with VPSC (.WTS).
  • Extensions in compability of data formats (details you can find in www.labotex.con --> 'Data Formats').
  • New release of manual "Hexagonal Axes: Conventions & Conversions" .

News in LaboTex Version 3.0.21 (from Version 3.0.17):

  • Version compatible with Windows 7 OS (32/64 bits);
  • Correction of calculations for Orthorhombic crystal symmetry;
  • Extension of UXD data format;
  • New release of manuals.

News in LaboTex Version 3.0.17 (from Version 3.0.02):

  • New manuals are available (please download from
    • "Fundamentals of 3-D Texture Analysis ";
    • "Hexagonal Axes: Conventions & Conversions"
    • "LaboTex: Skeleton Lines and Misorientation Diagrams"
  • New data formats (details you can find in www.labotex.con --> 'Data Formats'):
    • with extension 'HPF' - experimental data: pole figures;
    • with extension 'CSV' - Oxford Crystal Single Orientations File 3);
    • with extension 'ASC' - Seifert PTS 3000 ASCII data format - experimental data: pole figures;
    • with extension 'TXT' - Rigaku 3014 - ASCII data format - experimental data: pole figures;
    • 'XML' - format - files should to have extension 'XRDML' - PANalytical XML data format.
    • 'EXP' (RWTH Achen).
  • Analysis of Inverse Pole Figures: LaboTex shows {hkl} in place of the cursor position on the complete inverse pole figure and on the partial inverse pole figures. LaboTex shows Miller-Bravais indices {hkil} for hexagonal and trigonal crystal systems. Simultanously LaboTex shows Inverse Pole Figure Intensity in cursor position and position in alpha and beta angles.
  • New Dialog 'Max. Value of Miller Indice' in menu 'Analysis' allows to set maximal value of Miller or Miller-Bravais indice in the range '5' to '15'. This dialog is important during analysis of Inverse Pole Figures when you want to find only {hkl} or {hkil} with indices lower than default (i.e. '15').
  • LaboTex calculates 'f' texture factors defined by JJ Kearns ( JJ Kearns 'Thermal expansion and preferred orientation in Zircaloy', Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Report WAPD-TM-473,1965 and JJ Kearns, CR Woods, J. Bucl. Mater. 20 (1966) 241). The 'f' factors have found use for correlations and materials characterization of hexagonal materials (thermal expansion, irradiation growth,elastic properties in zirconium and titanium alloys). LaboTex calculates these factors also for Orthorhombic and Tetragonal Crystal Systems. 'f' factors inform us about fractions of basal pole [0001] (or [001]) in each if three principal directions : X (RD), Y (TD) and Z (ND). Perfect alignment of the basal poles in one direction gives an 'f' value of '1' in that direction and '0' in second and third directions. The sum of 'f' factors in the three directions is equal 1.0. You can start Calculation of 'f' Factors from menu 'Calculation'.
  • Fixed problems in hexagonal system for second convention (model calculation, transform ODF calculation) and for inverse pole figure plot when first convention were used.
  • New dialog for data format with extension 'TXT' for input of single orientation data files. Now user can choose Nos of columns for: Phi1, Phi and Phi2 angles. User can also choose unit of angles: degrees or radians.
  • User can save data for sections, skeleton lines and misorientation diagrams.
  • Corrected ODF transformation from rotation model for crystal symmetry lower than cubic (ODF transformation was incorrect for some 'hkl' vectors).
  • Texture index is displayed with resolution 3 digits after point. It is important for determination of quality of texture 'free' samples (samples for defocussing correction).
  • Corrected displaying of volume fraction in MFM for small values of volume fraction (<0.5%).
  • UXD data format allows many pole figures in files (for details please see to ->Data Formats).
  • Corrected description of ODF transformation in ODF report.
  • Fixed problem with ODF export (lack of data for maximal Phi1 angle).
  • Fixed also several other small problems with presentation of pole figures and others.

LaboTex Version 3.0

News in version 3.0.02.

In version 3.0 of LaboTex you can find many tools for comparison of ODFs (up to 12 ODFs) and for comparison of pole figures (also up to 12 pole figures).
  • ODFs comparison (Screen Shot):
    • ODF line sections (cuts) - user define two points in Euler Space (Screen Shot). LaboTex shows ODF intensity along section defined on the base these points. User can also choose initial points from orientations database (when click on the 'Start Point' or 'End Point' button database is available (Screen Shot) ). Comparison up to 12 ODFs is possible, (Screen Shot)
    • skeleton lines (Screen Shot). - user can create such diagrams as: alpha-fiber, beta-fiber, gamma fiber etc.. User can choose skeleton lines on the base of Euler angle (Phi1, Phi or Phi2) and:
      • maximal intensity ;
      • integral intensity.
      User can also change ranges in which LaboTex looking for maximal odf value or made integration (from +/-2 to +/-20 deg). User can make comparison up to 12 of skeleton lines;
      Examples (3 skeleton lines):
      Options: 'No fill', 'All black' (for black and white paper) ;
      Options: 'Fill'.
    • misorientation histograms.(Screen Shot) User define start point in Euler Space from which LaboTex shows misorientation diagrams. Misorientations diagrams are calculated on the base of ODFs in range 0 to 80 deg from start point (start orientation). LaboTex shows intensity which is the releative intensity i.e.intensity relate to intensity of random sample (I=I(sample)/I(random sample)) for the same range of misorientation angle. User can make comparison up to 12 misorientations histograms. User can also change histogram step in range 1 to 10 degrees;(Screen Shot)
    There are many options to optimalize quality of diagrams :
    • scale (in percent of maximal intensity value: 0.1 up 100%) (Screen Shot);
    • colors (defined by user);
    • types of lines (14 types with different dots+solid) (Screen Shot);
    • line options (all solid, all black, black countours) (Screen Shot);
    • width of lines (0 to 10 pixels) (Screen Shot);
    • fill.
    User can also save current parameters and/or samples (Screen Shot). The first ODF is current ODF. Next ODFs for comparison user can choose using appriopriate comboboxes and buttons on the tools window from right side. (Screen Shot);
  • ODFs - logical operations. (Screen Shot) For activate this option user should switch LaboTex to Compare Mode and next choose two ODFs for comparison: one in left window and second in right window (LaboTex Compare Mode). On the base these two ODFs (A - from left window and B from right window) LaboTex creates new ODF which is:
    • intersection of ODF A and ODF B,
    • diference of ODF A and ODF B (or B-A),
    • union of ODF A and ODF B,
    • sum of ODF A and ODF B,
    • ODF difference : A or B - intersection A and B,
    • inverted ODF (only for A).
    New ODF is created in new Job for sample of ODF A. You can copy and paste these diagrams to other applications or you can made images in 'BMP' ot 'TIF' format (menu 'Edit').
  • Transformations of ODF. LaboTex calculates new ODF which is results transformation of initial ODF. New ODF is created in new job for sample of initial ODF. There are two kinds transformations:
    • frame rotations, (Screen Shot). - user can rotate sample frame. This option is very important if user would like to see ODF for other (different) sample position (for example if you want see ODF for the perpendicular surface with relation to surface which was measured you should transform initial ODF about Phi=90deg). User can create change sample symmetry for new ODF.
      Initial ODF (3D Image) - Cubic ,
      Initial ODF (ODF with Cubic orientation) - after transformation of frame (45 degrees, Phi axis) gives ODF with Goss Orientation .
    • builder of model rotations, (Screen Shot). (crystalites/planes rotations). In first step you build rotation model and save it. In rotation model you can choose up to 10 orientations for which you set:
      • ranges of Euler angle around center of orientation (and for symmetrically equivalent positions);
      • vector "hkl" around which will be rotate crystalites/planes (only these which are included in ranges chosen by user);
      • rotation angle;
      • recent of rotated crystalites/planes (from 0 to 100%).
      In second step you choose rotation model and make ODF transformation (Screen Shot).
  • Generation of single orientations (Screen Shot) : LaboTex creates set of single orientations on the base of current ODF. User can choose number of single orientations from 10000 to 9999999. This option is important for user which modelling deformation (VCS users) etc.; User can also generate random set of single orientation using this option. SOR file creates by LaboTex user can input as a new sample and he can make ODF calculation.
    ODF creates on the base set of 500,000 single orientations generates with 'Random' option. (Screen Shot).
    Section of pole figure {111} calculated on the base above 'Random' ODF. (Screen Shot).
    Comparison pole figure for real texure free (random) sample (red) with pole figure generates from 'random' ODF creates on the base set of 500,000 single orientations (blue) (Screen Shot).
  • Pole figures sections (cuts). User defines start and end points on the pole figure and Labotex shows intensity along this section (Screen Shot).
    There are following cuts available: LaboTex shows position of section line on the pole figure when button 'View' is pressed (Screen Shot). Up to 12 pole figures can be comparised. All information about comparised PFs are displayed in infor window from left side (Screen Shot).
    All pole figures which section are displayed have to be choosen before button '2D' has been pressed. (if you choose more than 12 pole figures then LaboTex shows only first 12 pole figures sections). There are many options to optimalize quality of diagrams :
    • scale (in percent of maximal intensity value: 0.1 up 100%) (Screen Shot);
    • colors (defined by user);
    • types of lines (14 types with different dots+solid) (Screen Shot);
    • line options (all solid, all black, black countours) (Screen Shot);
    • width of lines (0 to 10 pixels) (Screen Shot);
    • fill.
    You can also save current parameters (Screen Shot). You can copy and paste these diagrams to other applications or you can made images in 'BMP' ot 'TIF' format (menu 'Edit').
  • On-line view of alpha (radial angle), beta (azimuthal angle) and pole figure value in mouse cursor position. LaboTex display this data in format: (alpha,beta) PF='value of PF'. Only in case, when mode of LaboTex is switched to 'Cursor Analysis' and toolbar button 'Show Value(s)' is pressed LaboTex shows of sums PF value(s) in pole positions which are indicates by cursors (mark by small crosses) (for more than one of PF objects - average of sums). ; (Screen Shot)
  • New column in "Near {HKL}< UVW>" window has been added: column with misorientation angles (misorientation beetwen {HKL}< UVW> and cursor position on the ODF diagram). (Screen Shot).
  • User defined grid for pole figures. User can define grid for alpha angle and/or grid for beta angle of PF.
    (Screen Shot - Dialog);
    (Screen Shot - Pole Figure with grid /option 'Cross'/);
    (Screen Shot - Pole Figure with example of grid);
  • added several new data formats (for input data in these formats please see on the WWW page : LaboTex Formats:
    • 'NJA' - Seifert ASCII data format (compatible also with data from PSD)
    • 'NJC' - Seifert binary data format (compatible also with data from PSD)
    • 'RWA' - Philips ATC3
    • '000' - U.Paris-Sud (Neutron Diffr.Data)
    • 'POL' - The University of Birmingham/HiltonBrooks Texture Data
    • 'POL' - The University of Birmingham with background separate files
    • 'DAT' - TU Berlin data format
    • 'M ' - University of Northeastern (Shenyang)
  • corrected or extended several data formats:
    • 'NJC' - Seifert binary data format (compatible also with data from PSD)
    • 'XPF' - BEARTEX data format
    • 'PFG' - RIGAKU data format. Now LaboTex input PFG in ASCII and in Binary format.
  • and more.

August 2004

  • New Report: "Determination of Volume Fraction of Texture Components using LaboTex - Model Function Method (PDF, 0.5MB, Download )

July 2004

  • New Report (Texture Standards): "Device-independent" pole figures for quantitative texture analysis" (PIM and IM Techniques) (PDF, 0.4MB, Download )

June 2004

  • New Report: "Texture Analysis on the Base of the EBSD Data" (PDF, 0.9MB, Download )

April 2004

  • New Report: "Pole Figures: Plot and Registration Conventions" (PDF, 4.3MB, Download )

February 2004

Texture Standards (reference samples) are available:
  • Cu-Al samples (triclinic sample symmetry, orthorhombic sample symmetry) + "random" Cu-Al sample;
  • Al samples (triclinic sample symmetry, orthorhombic sample symmetry) sample + "random" Al sample;
  • Ti samples (triclinic sample symmetry, orthorhombic sample symmetry) + "random" Ti sample;
  • Steel samples (ferritic, bcc lattice) (triclinic sample symmetry, orthorhombic sample symmetry) + "random" steel sample;
  • Steel samples (austenitic, fcc lattice) (triclinic sample symmetry, orthorhombic sample symmetry) + "random" steel sample;
  • All above samples;
  • "Random" samples (texture and strain free: Aluminium, Titanium, ferritic steel).
  • More details you can find:

January 2004

  • Intel® has solved problem with combability their graphic driver with LaboTex. If you are using Intel® graphic (Intel® 830M/MG,845G/GE/GL/GV,Intel® 852/855, GM/GME,865G) then please download new driver (Version 14) from Intel® WWW pages: Download New Intel® Graphic Driver (Version 14)

LaboTex Version 2.1.016 news (11.2003)

  • Option "Once" in volume fraction calculation is active now (calculation of relative error between model ODF and experimental ODF).
  • New option has been added as default: "Max. linearity" in calculations of a model ODF. LaboTex chooses orientation (among sym. eq. orient. of component) for model building which lies in maximal linear area of ODF. This option is essential only for cubic crystal symmetry.
  • Corrected bug in volume fraction calculation (integration method) - volume fraction for components with sym. eq. orientations lying on phi=0 (for example: Cube) was elevated when there were also other components with sym. eq. orientations lying close phi=90.
  • Option "User defined .." in menu Edit for skeleton lines plots is grayed now.

LaboTex Version 2.1.015E news (10.2003)

  • Model function method determination of volume fraction of texture components (texture approximation by model components).
    Screen Shot - Model Function Method - Dialog Window
    Now, you can in LaboTex make calculations of volume fraction of texture components using two independent methods:
    • integration method;
    • model function method.
    Model function method is very helpful for analysis of texture with overlapping components. After calculation you can simple compare experimental ODF with calculated:
    Screen Shot - Model Function Method - Compare experimental and calculated ODF
  • Modelling of ODF, pole figures and inverse pole figures. Now you can very easy create of a model ODF.
    You can choose:
    • Crystal Symmetry;
    • Sample Symmetry:
    • Grid cells for output ODF.
    and next you can choose one or more components (up to 10 components). For each texture component you can choose:
    • volume fraction;
    • FWHM for each Euler angle (phi1, phi2 and phi);
    • distribution (Gauss or Lorentz).
    Screen Shot - Modelling of ODF - Dialog Window
    Screen Shot - Modelling of ODF - Example of calculated ODF
    Next (from a model ODF) you can create any model pole figures or/and any model inverse pole figures using appropriate dialog for create of APF (additional pole figures) or for IPF (inverse pole figures).
  • Visualization of background and manual setting of background (fon) in volume fraction calculation (Integration Method). In previous versions of LaboTex, LaboTex set up value of background to minimal value of ODF in integration method of volume fraction calculation. Now, minimal value of ODF is set up for default only and user can change this value.
    Screen Shot - visualization of background and manual setting of background
  • The possibility of accommodation of a plot convention for pole figures. The choice among different conventions you can find in "LaboTex Options" ----> "LaboTex Conventions". You can choose start plot pole figures from "N","E","S" or "W".
    Screen Shot - Plot convention for pole figures - default setting
    Screen Shot - Visualization of pole figure in default plot convention
    For example: if you would like plot pole figures with rolling direction "RD" in "E" you should choose in "LaboTex Conventions" start plot pole figures from "E"
    Screen Shot - Plot convention for pole figures - start from "E"
    and next you should change description of Y axis to "RD" in "Captions and Draws" (LaboTex Options). Please also delete old description of X axis.
    Screen Shot - Adjust of description of pole figures to plot convention
    Screen Shot - Visualization of pole figure in new plot convention
    You can also write any other description of your axis.
  • The possibility of accommodation of a registration convention for pole figures:
    • counter-clockwise;
    • +90 deg pole figure rotate;
    • +180 deg pole figure rotate.
    Screen Shot - The choice of registration convention for pole figures
    You can use this option also when you incorrect install sample in the goniometer, receive sample from laboratory using other convention etc.
  • Now, for each available format of pole figures you can set up registration convention for default ("LaboTex Options" ----> "LaboTex Data Format").
    Screen Shot - Pole figure registration convention - permanent setting
  • New options for input data: When background data of pole figure is greater than pole figure data for some values LaboTex makes:
    a) negative values of pole figure after correction for background are set to zero.
    b) adds to all pole figure data absolute value of the lowest values of pole figure after correction for background (LaboTex makes all data positive); User may choose option a) or b) in "LaboTex Option" ----> "Data Formats". Default is option a).
    Screen Shot - The choice of option for background of pole figure
    Now, LaboTex informs user's when it finds data for which background data are greater than pole figure data and LaboTex display percent these data (Example).
  • New format - "DAT" to input data from Seifert® XRD (one pole figure for one file).
  • New format - "COA" to input data (one pole figure for one file).
  • New version of "UXD" format (compatible with multexarea).
  • The possibility of setting maximal value of Miller indices in conversion from Euler angles (in the range 5 to 15). (Example)
  • Improve precision of integration in determination of volume fraction of texture components (Integration Method).
  • Corrected documentation: "The Nomenclature of Inverse Pole Figure Use in LaboTex".
  • Changes in conversion of data format from PHILIPS® XRD: "TXT" and binary "RW1".
  • LaboTex input data for different azimuthal and radial steps (azimuthal step is adjusted to radial step by linear interpolation). Azimuthal step has to be in the range 1-10 deg., radial steps as in previous versions (see to: 'LaboTex Specification').
  • Warning: Option "User defined .." in menu Edit and option "Once" in volume fraction calculation are inactive.

LaboTex Version 2.1.012 news (15.04.2003)

  • Visualization of Inverse Pole Figure in the standard stereographic triangle (partial inverse pole figure, inverse pole figures in basic region) for : See also: The Nomenclature of Inverse Pole Figures Use in LaboTex (PDF,240 kB).
  • Filling 3D plots.
  • "Continuous" 2D and 3D visualization of pole figure, inverse pole figure, ODF section and ODF (full color visualization on the base of the value of each point of the object. In 3D visualization height in each point is a function of PF,IPF or ODF value). Very good option in presentation and in publication. WARNING: This option needs installation of OpenGL Driver for your graphic card! Printing plots in this option may be longer. Choose: 'Fill' next 'Open InfoBox' and in fill option change from 'Normal' to 'Continuous' in Isoline Combo Box.
  • The meaning of fill options in 3D ODF visualization:
    • Fill off (option are non-active, only isolines are drawing) ( Example );
    • Normal (isolines+transparent filling) ( Example );
    • Black (opaque filling) ( Example );
    • White (transparent filling) ( Example );
    • Continuous (transparent filling, transparence is function of ODF value) ( Example ).
  • The meaning of fill options in 2D visualization (IPF example):
    • Fill off (fill options are non-active, only isolines are drawing) ( Example );
    • Normal (color filling and isolines are in the same color) ( Example );
    • Black (color filling and black isoline) ( Example );
    • White (color filling and white isoline) ( Example );
    • Continuous (color filling in function of PF, INV/IPF or ODF values, no isolines) ( Example ).
  • New option: grayscale in 3D visualization.
  • Filling pole figures when are presented in basic region.
  • WARNING: LaboTex has and ever had user defined legend. Default is "Automatic". User may change to "Manual" or to any user defined files with isoline values. For example and details see to "Determination of Volume Fraction of Texture Components Using LaboTex" manual. User can save in every time current isolines . It is very important compare objects the same type for the same set of isolines.

LaboTex Version 2.1.011 news (17.01.2003)

  • New data format "NJA" - Seifert® ASCII data format. Each pole figure and background file has to be in separate file with extension NJA.Pole figures data files are input from "Choose Experimental Data" list and defocussing correction data (random pole figures data) can be input if necessary from "Choose Defocussing Correction" list. 'NJA' files contain background data (additional files with background data are unnecessary).
  • The possibility of the evaluation of parameters of component peak. New slider in Quantitative Analysis which allows magnification of component peak and manually evaluation its parameters (heights, FWHM...).
  • Labotex can read background files for UXD format: data for background please mark with 'B' letter in indices of pole figure ( in filename - for example '<111B>corund'). LaboTex requires one pole figure on the one UXD file. Each pole figure and background file has to be in separate file with extension UXD.For example: sample_100.UXD, sample_100BL.UXD, sample_100BR.UXD, ... (files with terminations BL or BR are background from 'left' and 'right' side of PF. LaboTex average BL and BR values). You may use only BL or BR file, too. Background files in UXD format are allowed only one background value for one alpha value.
  • Fix problem with symmetrically equivalent orientations for some fiber components (problem appeared only in case of axial sample symmetry!). For example: for component <511>fiber LaboTex shows only <511>fiber and <151>fiber sym. eq. Now LaboTex shows all symmetrically equivalent orientations: <115>fiber, <511>fiber and <151>fiber.
  • Extended format for display value of isoline and maximal value of ODF. Now it is long enough even for very sharp textures.
  • Fix problem in compare - high resolution mode with display ODF values.
  • Special case of integration of volume fraction for orientation lying on the Phi=0 plane (for example {001}<110>). These orientations are not 'points' but are 'lines' for Phi1+Phi2=const. See for FIGURE . LaboTex makes integration for all points belong to plane Phi=0 and for all points belong to the planes for which Phi is in the range of delta Phi (Phi1 and Phi2 angles extend to the full range of the basic area and Delta Phi1 and Delta Phi2 ranges are without meaning for these orientations of component).

LaboTex Version 2.1.010 news (22.10.2002)

  • The user may turn on or turn off high resolution ODF mode.Please, turn on high resolution mode to calculation of volume fraction using high resolution ODF.
  • Limit of high resolution mode lowered from 3.0x3.0 to 2.5x2.5 deg. Now high resolution mode include range from 1x1 to 2.5x2.5 deg.
  • Fix problem with calculation ODF for symmetrization to axial and resolution equal or lower than 3.0x3.0 (in high resolution mode).
  • The choice among Roe and Bunge notation in data format ANG, CTF, SNG, TSV, TXT.
  • Fix problem with UXD files.

LaboTex Version 2.1.009a news (11.10.2002 - extended version 2.1.009)

  • New options in calculation of volume fractions.
    Calculations of volume fraction of chosen texture components are performed by integration around those components in basic region. Each components can be represented by more than one symmetrically equivalent position (orientations) in basic region.
    Fundamentals for calculation of volume fraction of texture components:
    • LaboTex makes integration around each orientation in the ranges delta chosen by the user for each Euler angle:
      • Phi1-delta(Phi1) to Phi1+delta(Phi1),
      • Phi-delta(Phi) to Phi+delta(Phi),
      • Phi2-delta(Phi2) to Phi2+delta(Phi2),
    • In the case of exit outside the basic region of ODF space (Euler angles space) LaboTex continues integration in equivalent area of the basic region.

    The overlapping problem
    The overlapping problem appears when integration ranges (delta) are too wide or when orientations are near each other in Euler angles space. Integration area of texture components can be overlapped in two ways:
    i) Overlapping of integration ranges between symmetrically equivalent positions of component
    ii) Overlapping of integration ranges between different components

    LaboTex gives three different abilities (strategy) to solve problem of overlapping of integration ranges between symmetrically equivalent positions of component (case i) :
    • "Simple Integration" - overlapping region is multiply integrated. Integration around any single component in full range of basic region gives (100% minus background)*number of symmetrically equivalent position.
    • "Singlely Counts in Overlapping Area" - overlapping region is only singlely integrated for component. Integration around any single component in full range of basic region give 100% minus background.
    • "Divide by Number of Symmetrically Equivalent Position" - LaboTex integrates for all symmetrically equivalent positions of the components with proper weight equal 1/number of symmetrically equivalent positions. Integration around any single components in full range of basic region give 100% minus background.

    To solve problem of overlapping of integration ranges between different components LaboTex offers (case ii):
    • Total percent of overlapping (overlapping volume fraction) is displayed in special window ("Orientations Overlap"). Overlapping volume fraction can be limited by diminishing integration ranges of texture components.
      • In case of "Simple Integration" overlapping volume fraction means sum of overlapping between different components and between symmetrically equivalent positions of all overlapped components.
      • In case of "Singlely Counts in Overlapping Area" overlapping volume fraction means sum overlapping between different components.
      • In case of "Divide by Number of Symmetrically Equivalent Position" overlapping volume fraction means excessive orientation overlap. Excessive orientation overlap area is defined in the points where sum of weights is greater than 1. The weight is equal to 1/number of symmetrically equivalent positions. Excessive ODF value in given point is equal to the product of the ODF value and sum of weights minus 1. The volume fraction of excessive orientation overlap is the integral of excessive ODF values in mentioned area.
    • Overlapping volume fraction can be divided among overlapping orientations. This option causes the division of ODF values from overlap areas among overlapping orientations:
      • in case of "Simple Integration" and "Singlely Counts in Overlapping Area" ODF values in overlapping areas are divided proportionally to number of symmetrically equivalent overlap orientations.
      • in case of "Divide by Number of Symmetrically Equivalent Position" excessive ODF values in overlapping areas are divided among components proportionally to the weights and to number of symmetrically equivalent overlapping orientations.
  • Fix problem with false information about not enough free space on the disk.
  • Fix problem with UXD files.
  • Now LaboTex shows minimal and maximal value of objects (PF,INV and ODF) separately for left and right window in the Compare Mode.
  • Improved the refreshment of the screen after the change of colours in the Compare Mode.

LaboTex Version 2.1.009 news (26.09.2002)

  • Quantitative and qualitative texture analysis for samples with axial pole figures symmetry.
  • The Analysis of fiber orientations:
    • fiber orientations can be added to the LaboTex database,
    • ODF values in qualitative analysis (SORT option) for fiber orientations are averaged along fiber direction,
    • LaboTex shows fibre orientations on pole figures or ODF after using "UVW" button on the toolbar or selecting orientation from orientations combo box,
    • the volume fraction for fiber orientations can be calculated together with ordinary orientations,
  • the considerable acceleration of calculation in quantitative and in qualitative analysis,
  • indicating of near (HKL)[UVW] orientations. Select "Orientation analysis". Click right mouse button in selected point on the pole figure or ODF projection. This option can be chosen from analysis menu too. "Near orientations" can be sorted by PF or ODF values, Miller indices or distance,
  • placing of the selected pole in indicated position on pole figure. Select "Orientation analysis". Click left mouse button in selecting point on the pole figure.
  • Now LaboTex can read data in 4 new data formats:
    • XPF - BEARTEX® data format (corrected pole figures)
      • Pole figures data files: *.xpf (input from "Choose Experimental Data")
    • PFG - RIST data format from RIGAKU (ASCII)
      • Pole figures data files: *.pfg (input from "Choose Experimental Data" list)
      • Random pole figures data files: *.pfg (input from "Choose Defocussing Correction" list)
    • txt - RIST data format from PHILIPS (ASCII- corrected pole figures)
      • Pole figures data files: *.txt (input from "Choose Experimental Data" list)
    • RW1 - PHILIPS® XPert® binary data format (Binary)
      • Pole figures data files: *.rw1 (input from "Choose Experimental Data" list)
      • Background pole figures data files: *.bgr (input from "Choose Experimental Data" list)
      • Defocussing correction data files: *.cor (input from "Choose Defocussing Correction" list)
      Please choose required format in LaboTex Options. If extensions of files with data differ from higher indicated please to change it on correct.
    Now LaboTex is able to import data in 24 data formats!
  • Only orientations type are changed and indicated in 'AUTO' mode (during orientation analysis for pole figures).
  • Now LaboTex makes printable reports from qualitative and quantitative calculations.
  • Now LaboTex shows diagram of ODF values around all symmetrically equivalent orientations (in quantitative analysis). Please click on the proper position on the list box.
  • Corrected calculations of ODF for axial symmetry.
  • Improved the usage of set of orientations in quantitative analysis

LaboTex Version 2.1.008 news (29/03/2002)

  • Save PFs and ODF images as bitmap files: BMP,TIF (width, height and resolution of image can be given by user selection),
  • Copy to clipboard as a bitmap in 2-D and 3-D (printer or screen resolution!!!),
  • The possibility of the choice of the axis convention in hexagonal system,
  • Numerical settings in 3-D (distance, rotation, shift, axis lengthening (abbreviation)),
  • LaboTex allows negative indices in additional pole figures calculations,
  • Now, arrangement of objects on the printer output is the same as on the screen,
  • Small changes of the appearance toolbars.

LaboTex Version 2.1.007 news

  • LaboTex allows negative indices for pole figures

LaboTex Version 2.1.006 news

  • LaboTex convention for sample and crystal coordinate system - from version 2.1.006 (change important in Euler to Miller conversion and Miller to Euler conversion for symmetry lower than cubic symmetry):
    • 1) X,Y,Z axis perpendicular to each other,
    • 2) [100] axis is in XZ plane,
    • 3) Z axis is paralel to the [001] crystallographic plane,
    • 4) Crystal coordinate system and sample coordinate system should be at the same order i.e. both right-handed or both left-handed,
    • 5) Bunge definition of Euler angles.
  • Now, LaboTex shows exactly and approximately orthogonal vectors {HKL}< UVW> for indices lower than 15 (eliminates "Non orthogonal" information). Conversion Euler angles to Miller indices is made on the basis of cell parameters of sample (in compare mode - on the basis of cell parameters sample from active window). If pole figures in active window have different cell parameters conversion is made on the basis of cell parameters of sample which pole figure is first in active window.
  • Now basic area for pole figures is equal to a full range of Euler angles hence number of orientations in basic area (in combo box) can be different for ODF and PF objects.
  • The window for set up {HKL}< UVW>.indices has been changed. Now you can see for active window: cell parameters, orientation type (Euler angles and Miller indices), basic region, orientation(s) in basic region (Euler angles and Miller indices).
  • New samples for hexagonal symmetry
  • Fix error in "Copy to clipboard" in low resolution
  • Fix error in save isolines (for isolines > than odf-max or pf-max)
  • Fix error for long LaboTex path
  • Fix error : inactive compare mode when user changes symmetry after opening LaboTex
  • LaboTex allows new grid cell: 1.8x1.8,2.25x2.5,3.6x3.6,4.5x4.5 (exceptions: trigonal,hexagonal crystal lattice symmetry)
  • Fix error : approximate values of cell parameters to only two digits after decimal point (now three digits).

LaboTex Version 2.1 news

  • Fill - a option for filling 2D plots (menu: view and toolbar) LaboTex Screen Shots.
  • Pole Figure (CPF,RPF,NPF,APF,IPF) export as ASCII file (menu: file);
  • ODF export as ASCII files :
    • Phi 1 Section;
    • Phi 2 Section;
    • Phi1, Phi2, Phi, ODF value;
    (---> menu: file)
  • New data formats:
    • PLF (4*5 deg);
    • PLF (5*5 deg);
    • CON;
    • ANG Single Orientations files;
    • TXT Single Orientations files;
    • TSV Single Orientations files;
    • UXD fileversion 1;
    • UXD fileversion 2;
    • ASC format;
    • EPF;
    • RAW;
    • others (see: Edit-->LaboTex Options-->Data Formats).
  • LaboTex 2.1 contains the corrections to eliminate errors in older versions;
* Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
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