LaboTex: Technical specifications Version 3.0
Item |
Comments |
Full Windows application from version 2.0. |
Windows 2000/XP/2003. |
Management of data and results. |
Simple access to data and results. Collecting them for users, symmetries, projects, samples and jobs. |
ODF calculation (direct - ADC Method). |
The best ODF calculation method. |
Texture analysis of all types of sample symmetry. |
Texture analysis for materials of all types of crystal lattice symmetry. |
The fiber texture analysis. |
High resolution ODF option. |
Calculation of fit error (RP). |
Calculation of texture index. |
Calculation of Anisotropy Factors. |
In Hexagonal, Tetragonal and Orthorhombic Systems. AF defined by Kearns |
ODF calculation report. |
Every available. |
Ghost correction. |
Truncation errors of the series. |
NO |
ODF calculation using pole figures. |
Data from X-Ray or Neutrons measurements. |
Input data in non-LaboTex data format. |
LaboTex input data in 40 data formats. Details you can find |
The possibility accomodation of the Software to the Customer data format. |
Free of charge |
Correction of pole figure for background of pole figure. |
Information when background values are greater than pole figure data values. |
LaboTex display percent of these data |
Choice of the correction method for background. |
When background data of pole
figure is greater than pole figure data for some values LaboTex makes:
Correction for defoccusing using powder pole figures. |
Correction of powder pole figure for background is also available |
Correction for defoccusing from correction coefficients. |
Correction for defoccusing from Schulz equation. |
Input data in any grid. |
No |
Only for radial angle: 1., 1.2 ,2. ,1.25 ,1.5, 2. ,2.5 ,3. ,3.75 ,5. ,6. ,7.5 ,10. degrees and extra: 1.8 ,2.25 ,3.6 ,4.5 but with exceptions: trigonal and hexagonal crystal lattice symmetry. If azimuthal angle step is different from radial step azimuthal step is adjusted to radial step by linear interpolation. Azimuthal step has to be in the range 1-10 deg. |
Choice of the pole figures plot convention |
Yes |
User can choose start plot pole figures from "N","E","S" or "W". User can also adjust description of pole figure axis (for example denotation 'RD') to new plot convention. ODF calculation are independent on the choice of plot convention. |
Adjust of the pole figures registration convention to LaboTex convention |
Yes |
User can choose:
User can set up default for the registration convention for each available format of the pole figures. ODF calculation are dependent on the choice of the registration convention (ODF may be shift). |
Maximal/minimal value of Miller indices H,K,L for input PF |
9/-9 |
ODF calculation from incomplete pole figure(s). |
Information about too small number of data to ODF calculation. |
During ODF calculation. |
Possibility of the ODF calculation for different parameters for the same sample. |
Up to 9 job for sample. |
Choice of the symmetrization of pole figures before ODF calculation. |
Viewing of symmetrized PF. |
Choice of the sample symmetry for ODF (ODF symmetrization). |
Available after ODF calculation. |
Number of the symmetrization possibilities. |
8 |
None,triclinic to monoclinic,triclinic to orthorhombic,triclinic to axial, monoclinic to orthorhombic, monoclinic to axial, orthorhombic to axial, custom to axial |
Possibility of the rotation of pole figure(s) before ODF calculation. |
For all pole figures or separately in range -90 to 90 degrees. |
Possibility of the cut off the pole figure(s) in the center before ODF calculation. |
For all pole figures or separately. User choose angle ranges. |
Possibility of the cut off the pole figure(s) in the edge before ODF calculation. |
For all pole figures or separately. User choose angle ranges. |
Possibility of change parameters finishing calculation in ODF calculation. |
Number of iterations (1-70), RP and dRP finishing calculation (0.1-10%). |
Creation of complete pole figures. |
Complete pole figures (RPF) are created during ODF calculations. |
Creation of complete inverse pole figures. |
ODF calculation from sets of individual orientations. (SOR) |
Data from EBSD, model calculation and other. |
Roe/Bunge notation of angles in SOR. |
Notation chosen by user. |
Weights of orientations in SOR. |
Choice of ODF grid (ODF from SOR). |
1x1, 1.2x1.2, 1.25x1.25, 1.5x1.5, 2x2, 2.5x2.5, 3x3, 3.75x3.75, 5x5, 6x6, 7.5x7.5, 10x10. |
Choice of sample symmetry (ODF from SOR). |
NO |
Choice of sample symmetry after ODF calculation (ODF symmetrization). |
Modelling of ODF, pole figures and inverse pole figures. |
User can choose:
For each texture component user can choose:
A user can create from model ODF any model pole figures or/and any model inverse pole figures using appropriate dialog for create of APF (additional pole figures) or for IPF (inverse pole figures). Model ODF is created as a new job or as a new sample. |
Choice of method of determination of volume fraction of texture components. |
User can use 2 methods: Integration and/or Model Function. |
Calculation of volume fraction of texture components by Integration Methods. |
up to 10 components simultaneously. |
Choice of integration ranges. |
For each Euler angle separately with the viewing. |
The possibility of the evaluation of parameters of component peak (Integration Methods). |
The possibility of the choice of the components (Integration Methods). |
From files or from database. |
Possibility of the choice of the method of calculation of volume fraction in Integration Methods. |
3 methods. |
Display of orientation overlapping (Integration Methods). |
Correction of overlapping (Integration Methods). |
Divide ODF among overlapping orientation. |
Report from calculation of volume fraction of texture components by Integration Methods. |
Ready to print or copy. |
Calculation of volume fraction of texture components by Model Function Methods. |
up to 10 components simultaneously. For each texture component user can choose as initial parameters for fitting calculation: volume fraction, FWHM for each Euler angle (phi1, phi2 and phi), distribution (Gauss or Lorentz). |
The possibility of the choice of the components (Model Function Methods). |
From files or from database. |
Possibility of the choice of the mode of work during calculation of volume fraction in Model Function Methods. |
Automatic and Manual ('Once' step). In manual mode LaboTex calculates relative error between experimental ODF and model ODF made by user. In automatic mode LaboTex fit model parameters (angles and volume fraction) to optimal values. |
Comparison of 'experimental' ODF with best fit model. |
LaboTex shows calculated and 'experimental' ODF in two modes:
User can also save calculated ODF as a new job (Option: "Save and Show") and next he can continuing ODF comparison in LaboTex 'Compare Mode' |
Report from calculation of volume fraction of texture components by Model Function Method. |
Report is available when you save fitted model. It is ready to print, copy or view. |
Components (orientations) database. |
100 position for each crystal system. Orientation introduced to database is also denotation of component. In texture analysis LaboTex shows all sym. equivalent positions (orientations) for orientation from database. |
Introduce orientations (components) to database in Miller indices ({HKL}< UVW>). |
Equivalent Euler angles for {HKL}< UVW> depend on cell parameters when crystal symmetrie is lower than cubic. When user introduce orientation (component) in Miller indices LaboTex automatic calculates Euler angles on the base of cell parameters. Hence for samples with different cell parameters LaboTex shows the same orientation in Miller indices on the different places in Euler space. |
Maximal/minimal value of Miller indices H,K,L,U,V,W for orientation {HKL}< UVW> |
15/-15 |
User can set up maximal value of Miller indices in conversion from Euler angles (in the range 5 to 15). |
Introduce orientations (texture components) to database in Euler angles. |
Introduce fiber orientations (components) to database. |
Display of orientation from database on the ODF and PF(s). |
The choice from combobox, Automatic mode, Next, Previous |
Display of symmetrically equivalent position on the ODF and PF(s). |
The choice from combobox or from listbox. |
Presentation of symmetrically equivalent position. |
In basic region for ODF and full Euler space for PF, in Miller indices and Euler angles. |
On-line identification of the orientations (components). |
in Euler angles and Miller indices, ODF and pole figures (exclude IPF). In cursor position. |
On-line identification of the {hkl} plane perpendicular to inverse pole figure direction. |
in Miller and Miller-Bravies indices (Miller-Bravies for Hexagonal and Trigonal C.S. Identification in cursor position. LaboTex displays simultenously inverse pole figure intensity. |
Help in finding of near orientations. |
Near orientation sort by: PF/ODF,Miller indices, distance. |
Compare orientation analysis. Important for educational purpose! |
LaboTex shows simultaneously orientation on: ODF and ODF (the same and different projection), ODF section and ODF,pole figure(s) and ODF, pole figure and ODF section. |
Shows ODF/PF values using mouse. |
For PF LaboTex shows sum PF values under poles of orientation and separately for in option SORT. |
Qualitative orientations analysis for PF/ODF. |
Sorted orientations from database. |
Report from qualitative analysis. |
Only for ODF. Ready to print and copy. |
Creation of additional, complete pole figures (APF) from ODF. |
User input only HKL. Available after ODF calculation. |
Creation of additional, complete inverse pole figures from ODF. |
User input only XYZ. Available after ODF calculation. |
Export of ODF as ASCII files. |
Export od Pole Figures as ASCII files. |
Export of Inverse Pole Figures as ASCII files. |
Choice of convention for hexagonal system. |
2D and 3D pole figures presentation. |
Choice of pole figures plot convention |
Yes |
User can choose start plot pole figures from "N","E","S" or "W". User can also adjust description of pole figure axis (for example denotation 'RD') to new plot convention. ODF calculation are independent on the choice of plot convention. |
Adjust of pole figures registration convention to LaboTex convention |
Yes |
User can choose:
User can set up default for registration convention for each available format of pole figures. ODF calculation are dependent on the choice of registration convention (ODF may be shift). |
Maximal number of pole figures/inverse pole figures on the window. |
100 |
Pole figures descriptions. |
HKL,sample name,directions (3 characters, edited by user), type of figure. (CPF,RPF,NPF,APF) |
Pole figures descriptions turn off. |
Separately for each description kind. |
Fill option in 2D/3D presentation. |
4 mode in fill option: normal/black/white and continuous! |
User defined sets of colors. |
15 sets. |
Isoline mode. |
3 mode. Automatic, manual, from user defined sets. |
The possibility of change parameter of pole figures presentation. |
Number of isoline (maximal 14), color, color set, value, fill. |
2D ODF presentation for Phi1, Phi and Phi2 projections. |
2D ODF presentation for section of projection. |
Bunge definition of Euler angles. |
Yes |
ODF presentation and export. |
3D ODF presentation. |
The possibility changes of parameters of 3D ODF presentation. |
rotate, distance, shift, color, axis(on,off,length),parallel/perspective projection, top/bottom contour, animation (cycle rotation). |
The possibility of the choice of isolines. |
14 |
Arrangements mode. |
3 |
Automatic /optimal arrangements/, automatic /vertical close horizontal/ and custom. |
Drawing basic region of PF/INV. |
IPF in standard stereographic triangle (only for: cubic, hexagonal, trigonal and tetragonal systems) |
The possibility of the save of the set of isolines. |
color,value and activity. |
Export 2D and 3D images as bitmap. |
BMP or TIF format |
Export 2D and 3D images by the clipboard. |
Bitmap. |
Possibility of the choice of the resolution of the exported image. |
Online help. |
ODF section (cuts) defined by user |
User define two points in Euler Space LaboTex shows ODF intensity along section defined on the base these points. User can also choose initial points from orientations database (when click on the 'Start Point' or 'End Point' button database is available. Comparison up to 12 ODFs is possibile. User can save current parameters and/or samples. |
Skeleton lines |
User can create such diagrams as: alpha-fiber, beta-fiber, gamma fiber etc.. User can choose skeleton lines on the base of Euler angle (Phi1, Phi or Phi2) and : · maximal intensity ; · integral intensity. User can also change ranges in which LaboTex looking for maximal odf value or made integration (from +/-2 to +/-20 deg). User can make comparison up to 12 of skeleton lines. User can save current parameters and/or samples. |
Misorientation histograms |
User define start point in Euler Space from which LaboTex shows misorientation diagrams. Misorientations diagrams are calculated on the base of ODFs in range 0 to 80 deg from start point (start orientation). LaboTex shows intensity which is the releative intensity i.e.intensity relate to intensity of random sample (I=I(sample)/I(random sample)) for the same range of misorientation angle. User can make comparison up to 12 misorientations histograms. User can also change histogram step in range 1 to 10 degrees. User can save current parameters and/or samples. |
Optimalization of diagrams : ODF section, Skeleton lines, Misorientation histograms, PF section (arc, radial, radial-full) |
· scale (in percent of maximal intensity value: 0.1 up 100%); · colors (defined by user); · types of lines (14 types with different dots+solid) ; · line options (all solid, all black, black countours) ; · width of lines (0 to 10 pixels) ; · fill.
ODFs - logical operations |
For activate this option user should switch LaboTex to Compare Mode and next choose two ODFs for comparison: one in left window and second in right window (LaboTex Compare Mode). On the base these two ODFs (A - from left window and B from right window) LaboTex creates new ODF which is: · intersection of ODF A and ODF B, · diference of ODF A and ODF B (or B-A), · union of ODF A and ODF B, · sum of ODF A and ODF B, · ODF difference : A or B - intersection A and B, · inverted ODF (only for A). New ODF is created in new Job for sample of ODF A. You can copy and paste these diagrams to other applications or you can made images in 'BMP' ot 'TIF' format (menu 'Edit'). |
Transformations of ODF -
There are two kinds transformations: · frame rotations - user can rotate sample frame about any Euler angles. This option is very important if user would like to see ODF for other (different) sample position (for example if you want see ODF for the perpendicular surface with relation to surface which was measured you should transform initial ODF about Phi=90deg). User can create change sample symmetry for new ODF. · builder of model rotations - (crystalites/planes rotations). In first step you build rotation model and save it. In rotation model you can choose up to 10 orientations for which you set: o ranges of Euler angle around center of orientation (and for symmetrically equivalent positions); o vector "hkl" around which will be rotate crystalites/planes (only these which are included in ranges chosen by user); o rotation angle; o percent of rotated crystalites/planes (from 0 to 100%). In second step you choose rotation model and make ODF transformation. LaboTex calculates new ODF which is results transformation of initial ODF. New ODF is created in new job for sample of initial ODF. |
Generation of single orientations |
LaboTex creates set of single orientations on the base of current ODF. User can choose number of single orientations from 10000 to 9999999. This option is important for user which modelling deformation (VCS users) etc.; User can also generate random set of single orientation using this option. SOR file creates by LaboTex user can input as a new sample and he can make ODF calculation. |
Pole figures sections (cuts) |
defines start and end points on the pole figure and Labotex shows
intensity along this section.
LaboTex shows position of
section line on the pole figure when button 'View' is pressed. Up to 12
pole figures can be comparised. All information about comparised PFs are
displayed in infor window from left side.
User can also save current parameters. User can copy and paste these diagrams to other applications or you can made images in 'BMP' ot 'TIF' format (menu 'Edit'). |
On-line view of alpha (radial angle), beta (azimuthal angle) and pole figure value in cursor position od mouse. |
LaboTex display this data in format: (alpha,beta) PF='value of PF'. |
User defined grid for pole figures. |
User can define grid for alpha angle and/or grid for beta angle of PF. |
Manuals/Technical Reports. |
Examples. |
Following examples are available:
Demo version. |
Only old version 2.1.012 |
Support. |
Free e-mail support/updates 24 months |
Protection. |
HASP Key: to Parallel Port or USB |
Minimal system configuration: |
Processor PENTIUM IV 2 GHz or higher, 1 GB HD space, graphic card resolution 1024x768, CD-ROM drive. OpenGL Graphic Card is required for 3D View in "Continuous" fill mode. USB port. |
Recommended system configuration: |
Processor Athlon 64 3500/ PENTIUM IV 3 GHz or higher, 10 GB HD space, graphic card resolution 1280x1024 (+OpenGL), CD-ROM drive. In the case the data are measured in the grid less than 5x5 degrees, the double increase of the disk space is recommended, USB port. |