A: If format your data is absent in LaboTex (see: Edit --> LaboTex Options ---> Data
Formats), I have two suggestions:
Q: If I can create CPF file myself because we would like to calculate the ODF with
pole figures which have been multiplied by correctif factors and which were not
re-normalised after this multiplication.
A: .CPF files are binary files with complicated structure. So I give you another
- You can make your special data as a 'PPF' file (please, check in help). This
file does not include background data and you do not need to use .COR file.
You can use your special pole figures as 'EPF' file including at the end of
file the proper number of "0" values for the beckground
for each pole figure. Remember to add the lines describing data (at the
begining of the file) for each pole figure background. In that case you need
to make a 'COR' file including correction coefficients as "1".
Q: What should I do to read Rigaku data?
A: For Rigaku data files, please remember:
- use only one pole figure in one file,
- extension of file has to be ASC (for example: 53110.ASC, 53200.ASC,
to make ASC files accessible for creation of CPF files you should:
- select EDIT menu in LaboTex
- select LaboTex Options
- select Data Formats
- select "ASC - Rigaku ASC format (1PF/file)" in one of "selection
windows" 4 - 7
- select "new sample" (from File menu or third icon from toolbar), select
"ASC" data format, if you do not use defocusing correction, please
select "off" for "Correction"
- select ASC pole figures files by the mouse clicking
- select the proper crystal symmetry for your sample
Q: Could you please let me know if Labo Tex for windows could be used for files
generated with Bruker equipment?
A: Yes (File version 1 and 2).Use only one pole figure in one file (files
extension: UXD). "_sample" has to contain Miller indices of PF (in triangle
brackets) for example: "Ir<111>".
Q: When using ASC format only one PF file can be inputed and other APF can be
calculated by the soft. Is that meant that it is not necessary to measure other
PFs experimentally? Can I input other PF such as 200 and 112, besides the 110 in
BCC structure? But in the EPF format several PFs can be input simultaneously.How
about the difference in the EPF and ASC cases?
A: It is possible use more PFs (files).You may use 110,200 and 112 PFs
simultaneously.In "New Sample" dialog box select (click mouse) ASC files
simultaneously holding CTRL (control) key!!!. Calculation ODF from one PF not
ever is enough!. If it is possible you should use more PF.
Q: Do you have any simple way to transfer the ASC into EPF format, with 8
A: When you create CPF file from ASC files LaboTex convert ASC files to the
EPF/POW or PPF files. This files you can find in LaboTex temporary directory
(e.g C:\Labotex2\user\username.LAB\tmp...)
Q: As for the background data, I find no way to input to the file when a ASC has
been input. Can the background data only be used in the EPF format?
A: Usually measured pole figures must be corrected according to the background
and defocusing absorption. So, you should measure these values for your
samples.These both corrections of raw pole figures data, sometimes are done by
software of experimental x-ray device (especially in the case of using
PSD-Position Sensitive Detector). You should check what case is in your x-ray
device ? Inside the ASC file format you can find two places in which the
background values can be included. Please find the lines with words: *LOW ,
*HIGH. In these places there are zero values in your files. You should decide if
this is correct or you must read the manual of your x-ray device to find out how
to measure and include the background values to your ASC files in positions *LOW
and *HIGH inside the files.
Q: I am studying the texture in steels. Which correction file and the symmetry
type should I choose in inputing the data?
A: For defocusing correction you should measure the pole figures of the powder
sample (from the same material as the "textured samples" - in your case steel).
The powder sample is treated as "non texture" sample, which help to find out the
absorption curve for defocusing correction. The files of the powder sample
should have extension POW (LaboTex format) or ASC (Rigaku format), and should be
included in COR directory (for proper user) of LaboTex. In your case of the
steel samples you should choose the O-cubic symmetry. All symmetries are
indicated according to the Schoenfliess symbols (International Tables for
Crystallography - ed.T.Hanhn - 1983, D.Reidel publishing company.
Q: As for the powder sample should I measure that in the same condition with the
ordinary ones?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I choose the Corr file also in the ASC format?
A: Yes.
Q: What does "Azimuthal angle steps different for pole figures. Pole figures {1
1 0}. ... CPF file will not be created." mean?
A: In actual version of LaboTex (2.0,2.1)the step of polar angle (alpha) has to
be equal the step of azimuthal angle (beta) (permissible values: 1.0, 1.2, 1.25,
1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.75, 5.0, 6.0, 7.5, 10.0). In your case these angle steps
are different: 2.0 and 5.0. You should measure with the grid of the same alpha
and beta steps. Only in the case of background data, alpha step can be different
than beta step. But the alpha step for the texture data and the alpha step for
the background must be equal !
Q: How can I have the numerical values of the odf as we had in the file .pod
before ? We need this values for our calculations to determine the stored
A: This option is in version 2.1 (menu File-->ODF export). Upgrade version 2.0
to 2.1 is free of charge by e-mail.
Q: When LaboTex reads my data file (sample.epf) I get a message "Error: Improper
data. Check data file". Please check my input data file.
A: Your data file is in popLA format, which has the same extension as LaboTex
files (.EPF). To make popLA *.EPF files accessible for creation of CPF files you
- select EDIT menu in LaboTex,
- select LaboTex Options,
- select Data Formats,
- select "EPF - popLA EPF files format" in one of "selection windows",
- select "new sample" (from File menu or third icon from toolbar),
- select "epf" (small letter!!!) data format (in this format data are
after correction),
- now select your data file by the mouse clicking,
- select the proper crystal symmetry for your sample.
Q: How does LaboTex define sample and coordinate system?
A: LaboTex convention (from the version 2.1.006): (See for figure.)
- X,Y,Z axis are perpendicular to each other,
- [100] axis is in XZ plane,
- Z axis is paralel to the [001] crystallographic axis,
- Crystal coordinate system and sample coordinate system should be at the
same order i.e. both right-handed or both left-handed,
- Bunge definition of Euler angles.
Q: LaboTex shows bad Euler angles for orientation (01-12)<2-201>=
(012)<2-21>={38.11,42.61,0.0}. From my diagram should be :{38,43,30} (Zr Alloy -
hexagonal system).
A: Your diagram is made in different convention than LaboTex. In hexagonal
system (for hexagonal division :a=b,c(non equal a),alpha=beta=90,gamma=120) are
used two convetions for sample and coordinate system. See for figure. It is a
reason of a difference between values of Phi2 angle about 30.
(there is the possibility of the choice of the axial convention in hexagonal
system in LaboTex from version 2.1.008 !!!)
Q: I have cell parameters for trigonal system: a=b=c, alpha=beta=gamma <120. In
example for trigonal system LaboTex has the same cell parameters as for
hexagonal system. Is it error?
A: No. Rhombohedral crystal can always be described in term of hexagonal axes.
In trigonal division of hexagonal system are used two conventions (1)
rhombohedral axes (as for your data) and (2) hexagonal axes. LaboTex use
hexagonal axes and cell parameters has to be the same as for hexagonal division.
Details about convention of cell parameters used in LaboTex you can find in
technical report (PDF document, 4.3MB): "Pole Figures: Plot and Registration
Q: The volume fraction calculated in the software is not agree with I have
calculated. I calculated it by the C coefficence from texture data.
And can you tell me how you calculate it ?
A: The results of volume fraction calcuation can be different because of:
- If you use C coefficients with l=22 or l=34 in this case of strong
texture peaks you have truncation error of the Fourier series and this
is source of error in volume fraction calculation
- Using C coefficients in reality you calculate the volume of the ideal
model components not your real experimental texture peaks. This is the
second source of error.
- In LaboTex software we do not have truncation error of the peaks because
we do not use harmonic series (the ODF calculation is based on ADC
method which calculate real ODF peaks not truncated).
- In LaboTex software we calculate volume fraction by integration of real
texture peaks on ODF (we do not use Gauss models). Additionaly user can
decide about integration width of the peak in 3 Euler angles
independently. In the case of C coeffictiens you are not able to change
different width of the Gauss model in the 3 Euler angles.
- You can see the comparison of different ODF calculation methods
(including ADC method which is the base of the LaboTex software) which
are described in the reference papers: The ADC Method References
Q: I would like to use the same values of contour pole density in analysis of
ODF of several samples. Is it possible in your program?
A: You can plot contour lines by any scale in LaboTex program.
To do this:
- plot any PF, ODF, or INV object using automatic contours
- press "i" icon on the program toolbar
- change the "AUTOMATIC" to "MANUAL" option in "PF isolines mode/ Load PF
- edit all isolines values you want in "isolines/values" windows
- mark box "Value" (or/and "Color", "State")
- press the "Save PF Isolines" and save the isolines to the file
- any time you want, you can load this isolines from the file
Q: How do you get the COR file? Where is it generated?
Can we get it from the LaboSoft? Can I use our dbf file instead of the cor file?
A: The COR files are generated from the measurements of "texture" of powder
samples (used as POW files in LaboTex - see HELP). The DBF files can be used
instead of COR files (we have just included this option to the LaboTex).
Q: What is meaning of rotation of PF step, lower range upper range?
A: You can rotate pole figures around the normal axis before ODF calculation.
Sometimes it is useful to correct the sample coordinates.
Lower and upper range means the abillity to cut off the pole distance range
from both sides (in the centre and in the maximum distance).
Attention ! Rotation and cut off you can use simultaneously for all pole
or separately for each one. Check the apprropriate switch !
Q: How difficult is it to use the x-ray data for every two
degree scan! The reason is that we do a lot of work on textured thin films
and 1 or 2 degrees are what would be ideal for us!
A: There is no problem. LaboTex is able to use data measured
with 1 or 2 deg. step. The ODF calculation time will be longer of course,
the data set (number od data) is bigger in that case.
Q: There is a 90? rotation between the PF plotted using my old texture software
and LaboTex...
A: There are two questions concerning this problem:
A) Different ways of pole figures plotting:
- clockwise rotation from the NS direction
- counterclockwise rotation from the NS direction
- clockwise rotation from the WE direction
- counterclockwise rotation from the WE direction
LaboTex uses the pole figures presentation as in point A.1.
If ODF from LaboTex and ODF from your old software are the same then
difference is only in pole figure presentation (different pole figures plotting
If ODF from LaboTex and ODF from your old texture software are different then
pole figures
measurements convention are different.
B) Different ways of registration of pole figures in the dependence from
the motion of the texture goniometer are :
- clockwise rotation from the RD direction
- counterclockwise rotation from the RD direction
- clockwise rotation from the TD direction
- counterclockwise rotation from the TD direction
LaboTex uses convention B.1. Details about adjustment of LaboTex to
different plot and registration conventions you can find in technical
report (PDF document, 4.3MB): "Pole Figures: Plot and Registration
Q: I didn't find some information about how to use the delta Phi1, Phi, Phi2
while the calculation of the quantitative texture analysis. If for example I
choose a phi integration range
of 20? for a phi angle of 45?, it means that the calulation will integrate in
phi between 25 and 65?,or between 35 and 55? ?
A: In quantitative analysis DeltaPhi1, DeltaPhi and DeltaPhi2 mean
the half widh of the integration range arround chosen orientation.
So, if orientation is PHI1, PHI, PHI2, then the volume fraction
is integrating in the range:
[PHI1 - DeltaPhi1 , PHI1 + DeltaPhi1]
[PHI - DeltaPhi , PHI + DeltaPhi ]
[PHI2 - DeltaPhi2 , PHI2 + DeltaPhi2]
Of course you can chose different Delta for each Euler angle
and for each selected orientation (using view of the orientation
profiles in each Euler angle cross section).
Calculation will integrate in phi between 25 and 65? for your example.
Q: How I can make defocussing correction?
A: The best way for defocussing correction is measurement of "random" sample.
First, you should make measurement of "random" sample analogically as normal
"Random" sample has to be made from the same or similar material as material of
your sample.
LaboTex input files with pole figures of sample and files with pole figures of
"random" sample simultaneously.
Files with pole figures of "random" sample are input from different list in the
same dialog window.
Preparation of good quality "random" sample is difficult. LaboSoft offers set of
"random" samples (texture and strain free).
For details see http://labotex.com/prices.htm
Q: How I can check quality of my texture measurement?
A: The best wey in this case are measurements of texture standards.
LaboSoft offers texture standards about different sample symmetry
which contain also "random" sample. Standards have a Certificate from Accredited
Testing Laboratorie.
For details see: http://labotex.com/prices.htm .
Q: Does LaboTex cooperate with VPSC texture modelling software packages?
A: Yes. Our users use LaboTex in cooperation with VPSC for texture modelling.
Results of modelling are input to LaboTex. You can see for example:
Q: When I run the HASP Protect Key Instalation from the windows system, a
message apears:
"user has no access to the database registry 0x20 10000 0x0 0x0" and the
installation is stopped.
A: Before installation of the HASP Protect Key on Windows system you should:
- Switch off your PC with Windows system.
- Install HASP Protect Key to the parallel printer port in PC.
- Switch on your PC with Windows system.
- Very important !!! Login to the Windows system as Administrator.
- As Administrator install HASP device driver. Remember to reboot the
computer after complete HASP installation.
- Now, you can login every time to the Windows system as a ordinary
user and run Labotex program.